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skip beat

one of my fav anime. skip beat. sgt999x suke anime in. sgt cumey, besh, kiut and mcm999x lg...(>.<)
the storyline is superb. i dont read the anime coz i hate reading anime online. each anime got hundreds of volume and i am the type that once i read (something interesting), i've to finished it no matter what. kalo tak, tak senang duduk leee betaaa.... (same as drama. that y i dont watch ongoin drama. i won't watch any unless it is complete. ), ok back to the main topic.

Skip beat. i heard recently that this particular anime akn dibuat in live action drama. real person acting out this anime. Owh... so i should be happy? NOOoooooOoo...

Why? Ok... here my 'why'.
1. suju siwon act as REN!!!- the thing is its not that i dont like siwon. i've no problem at all with him. but he not tha suitable person to be ren. watch the anime and u'll noe what i mean.

2. ..... hurmm

ok, fine! my only reason for not being happy for this live action is because the actor. they should so pick sommeone else to be ren. Ren the cold-but kind-and-handsome ren. That ren that is not siwon!!!

i hate this cast-especially REN.
this is the REAL ren!
c how cute they are??



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