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i wonder, what it's like

listen to: stand by me- oasis
currently: not in right mind.

today, i went to ecah and yayang's room. lepak2, borak, study (since tomorrow ada test)~ borak y lebeyh yeee..
so, we talk, random stuff, from about my mum, sis, yogyakarta, samsung galaxy ace, ecah's mum and sis, to yayang's brother yadayadayada....

and then we come to this,
me and my friends, mostly we called our mum, everyday. Yeayh. mum. Not dad. Then i asked them, "nape tak col ayah? Kalo col ayah dyorg bese ckp pe?" and mcm2 ans i got. Ex: "Ayah ta layan pn, dy mcm mls na ckp, pastu bile col mak dy bebel2 bising. Jeles la tu org tak col dy. bile col tak nak layan.=P" But then ada juga, some of my friends yg mnja dgn ayah dyorg. Y col dad more than mum. Y mslh pape p cite kt ayah.

All this make me wonder, what it's like to talk to my dad through phone after i dah terlepas jauh ke sini. I mean, my dad sgt2 pendiam, so mcm mana la conversation kitorg. Am i going to call him as much i call mum? Or am i actually going to call him kalo ada benda2 penting je? you know, stuff like that. i keep wondering. *sigh. I guess i never know.

Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!
~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836

nota kaki: yayang, jgn la rs guilty. its not your fault pn. tetibe jd nostalgic ari ni..ngehngeh...>.<


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