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Friends, holiday and family. =)

Last few days was Deepavali and I got about 5 days holiday. Not planning to go home but suddenly my friends buat suggestion pergi holiday. And guess where we're going? Yup. My home. *rolled eyes*. =p
So begin our journey last Tuesday night, and arrived there Wednesday morning. All 10 of us. Not included Nasy at that time sbb dy dah balik awal2. And if minus me, the total guest ms tu is 9 peoples. Since there are 2 choices sama ada nak stay dkt my home or Nasy's, the 9 divided by 2, become 4 people at mine and 5 at Nasy's.* do the maths*.

We have a good time. Well I have a good time, the others? *Hm..kena tnya dyorg sndiri la. =p
Bawa dyorg shopping, well, half je yg shopping, the other half enjoy the movie, and I'm included in the movie's group. 'Real Steel'! Daebak! hoho. *Okay sgt tak rugi tgk cerita tu Okeyyy!!!
Then the next day, Thursday, we all pergi waterpark. Swimming, playing, sliding, from morning to evening. Sgt best tp sgt penat!! =p I mean we all sliding and screaming tak ngt dunia, esknya tgn sakit, tekak perit. Padan muke.! =p

The first night there, Nasy's family brought us to dinner. Thank you. =)
The 2nd night we all went separate ways. The one yg tinggl at my home, we all lepak dkt pntai, while the rest kononnya, pergi shopping lg.

Have a great time, but to tell the truth ada la ralatnya jugak. At first, mum ada plan nak ajk all dtg rumah mkn2, but then along the way, with all the different and clashing plans, and other things, the mkn2 plan kind of slipping away, so sbb tak dpt bwk semua dtg rumah, sgt sedeyh juga la. Okay, sedeyh byk! *sobsobsobsobsob* I mean sure we all jumpa dkt tmpat yg dh jnji, but the truth other than ms dinner mlm tu, we all actually mcm bw dr msg2. Bukti? Cuba tgk kamera msg2 ada tak gmbr kita ber11 ramai? Kalo ada pun mesti time dinner tu je kn?

Anyhow and anyway, still we all have fun and we create another memory kan you guyssss?? *nada gedik* =p I mean I do. =) .

Nota kaki: Wanna include pic tp tak de pun yg upload so tak pyh la. =p


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