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From notting hill with love actually

Hari ni watched Notting Hill. Okay mula2 tgk Letters to Juliet then sambung with NH.
Yup I go with British-American-love-story-today. hehhh
*and owh! tajuk di ats tak ada kena mengena pun. It just a title of a novel I found at the bookstore.*

I watched notting hill once or twice *I can't remember* but I don't really like it sbb Julia Roberts dlm cerita tu sgt2 la penting kan diri sendiri. Well, that is what I used to think. Watching it today, well she's still the selfish actress who break a guys heart but still bila tgk2 balik, kesian la juga kt dy.
Hugh Grant is a good actor *sbb tu mak suka dy. hehe :p* and the last part at the press conference,
WILLIAM:Thanks.  I just wondered if Mr. Thacker realized he'd been a daft prick and got down on his knees and begged you to reconsider, whether you would...   reconsider.
ANNA : Yes, I'm pretty sure I would.
WILLIAM: That's very good news. The readers of 'Horse and Hound' will be absolutely delighted.
Dominic -- if you'd like to ask your question again?   
Dominic:Yes. Anna, how long are you intending to stay here in Britain?
ANNA :Indefinitely.
Owh, the last part when they looked at each other smiling then tiba2 keluar la "She" Elvis Costello, as bgm kan, I go waaaaahhhh!!!! *sengihssorg2guling2kirikanan. ehehhhe*:p *Okayyy! i'm weird like this. I go crazy over some movies and I googled the script for the words I like. Sue me! :p*
I love the last part at the garden. :)

“The fame thing isn’t really real, you know...and don’t forget, I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”

"For June who loved this garden, from Joseph who always sat beside her" , Some people do spend their life together.


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