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random music, bittersweet lyrics with friends

one of those days;

on random things.

People don't really get it about the things I found funny, or the words I like, or the words I write (type to be more precise). I mean the-not-so-awkward-moment when you are trying to show you friends about this and that and you smiling the goofy-smile cause you found it funny but then your friends go like "...........?". :p But then, fair enough cos sometimes  I don't really get it when my friends laughing hard, watching some vlog. :p
I guess we have a different sense of humor. TapetapeIstilllovethem.:p

on little-bitter-sweet.

Well people, its not like the only things I wrote in this blog was about me. Sometimes its just a story I pick up from friends, or a random quotes I found, or a long-sentences I made randomly without meant anything. This is just a place I use to rambling randomly. Sosilajgnfkrsemuaceritadisiniadakenamengenadengantuanpunyablog. wokeyh?

on music and lyrics.

If its 2pm, Junho is not really my biased. But seriously in music and lyrics? Waaahhh!! I falling in live for a thousandth times and again, with a different person. :p  heheh. *okay sungguh gatal*
Isn't Junho sgt kihyutttt   and sgt gentleman and santai and sgt cool? Hehehe *angau* 
A guys serious face while working is so charming! Kan.....? *okay sila byg kn a composer yg cute. sekian.* :p

-see? they really look good together.-
okay, stop. Back to jaejoongtopjonghyunjunsuseungi++++++++. 


I finished the final season of friends. Yeah, yeah. I know cerita tu dah berzaman. But yes! I just started to watched it around last year, and yes I take up about 6month to finished all the 10 seasons. Sedeyh tau nak habiskan cepat2. Now I don't have any sitcom series to watch sambil makan.! Himym pun supplier for new episode tak hade lg. Hmm.
All and all, sgt sedih dah habis. And although he's really a weird character, but I think I like Chandler the most. :p


Done. Toddles. End. ~ :)


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