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I watched this till the end today, and the ending? *thumbsup* ngehehe. Bittersweet-end-are-the-best. 
I mean its hard to find anime with good ending, heck! most anime don't have any ending. You wanna know the end go google the manga, and that only happen if the manga have been published 7-9 years ago. Less than that? End? Haaaaa? Apekahitu?



  1. ditto! (spoiler alert!) nearing the ending, when they are parted and had to suffer through life without each other, it broke my heart, but then the ending came. it's the sweetest ending EVER.

  2. yup. but the separation make the ending much2 sweeter. >.<
    and victorique in japan?? kyaaaa~~~~ hehe. :p


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