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Tonight, I was taking a night stroll with my mum, aunt and uncle. *point to note: by my own definition night stroll mean both walking around or driving around at night, sambil menghirup udara malam.

And I always love taking a nice night stroll, spending time with family. It really reminds me of the past. When dad, mum, sis and me spend time together mlm2 dkt pntai, tmn, even kedai mamak or dekat mana2 je. Time when, me and sis off pegi main2, while dad and mum watched from a far. Time when we all talk, and talk, and talk. Time when we all laugh and argue. The-funny-story-telling-time by dad.
But most of all, I miss the time when we all are there. There, at that place to share all this moments.

I really do.

Nota kaki: Things do change, and it never the same.
Nota kaki 2: I'm officially off from college. 2 months. *clap2.


  1. i am missing lots & lots of thing in my life
    oh btw, i miss u too. ngehahaha

  2. em... we all do.
    hm, btw too, thanks for missing me. *muke bangga. hehehe =p


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