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Today's list

First day of holiday, so woke up pg td mesti la sgt tidak awal. And bila mak masuk bilik, mak ckp "Sya, gubah hantaran ek hari ni."
So that's how I started my day today.

Today's list:
++ Gubah hantaran start from sampin to cincin to other stuffs.
++ Cut and slicing all the vegetables dkt dapur utk kenduri. *Vegie je sbb bila tym kena buat bnda lain, lari p cari kerja lain. =p* *Okay, i'm not good at dapur like that*
++ Then, isi cupcake dalam kotak, but doing this half way sbb suruh budak2 kicik kat rumah ni smabung buat. *yes! I use my kuasa veto as adult pd budak2 kicik ini. I mean dyorg pun sgt suke kalau dpt menyibuk okayy. =p*
++ Bake chocolate cake and another cupcakes.
++ Renovate and tambah things sana sini pd stage of the pelamin kicik yg mum, tok and Kakju buat so that it look less dull. I want to do the background too tp sbb tak cukup masa and bahan so stage only!. *Yes, Today, I did suprised myself, grandma and mum with the gubahan and the pelamin cos we never know I can actually do that. I didn't say I was WOWW but it is okay la.*
++ Fill the living room with carpet and tikar. *My grandmother's living room boleh buat 4 bilik tidur kalo divided the space jd 4, so imagine nak sapu, vacuum, mop and fill all the space dgn tikar and carpet tu.* But of cos I exaggerate things here sbb yg vacuum and all mesti la along buat. hehehe. I just pergi bukak karpet yg bergulung je.* =p
++ Do other small things yg penting for tomorrow.

So, today sgt2 busy but of course since I'm back from campus just yesterday evening, so my busy'ness tak leh lawan mak and kak ju sbb dyorg dah tidur jam 2-3am since 2-3 days ago.
Anyhow, which tomorrow event will be okay.

Nota kaki: Nope, tak de sape2 kahwin esok. It's an engagement ceremony. And it's not mine.


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